June 26, 2009

zoomzoom, goes time.

Hi people. I woke up at 6am today, just to reach school at 7.30am.
Dumb or dumb. -.- stupid performance thing, totally waste of time. Pfttttt, I feel so mean.
ANYWAY, tomorrow still have. -.- need to put make up somemore. Hahah I don't mind putting for people, then hor I don't perform or something. :D
I'm the foundation plus blusher person. HEHEHAHAHOOOOOO!

Went SAJC today. I want to get in there lorh. But I think my chances are quite low? So rweally need to bucccccccccccckk up! UGH I HATE STUDYING.

AHHHH SHIT. I just remembered. Li laoshi ask me do enjoyedu. And Mrs Law ask me to try log in to acp and moodle with another computer. CAUSE I CANNOT LOG IN. Later they give me zero for everything hor, I can go knock wall already. LALALA.

I love you bestie, cheerup! :D

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