December 24, 2008

Hellos! :D Hahah I'm being stupid -.-
CHANTEL'S SUPER CUTE WITH HER BANGS :D Look like Hansel & Gretel the small girl <3
We coloured the cow picture, with markers. It's like so chio. I'm such a pro colourer.

Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I think I'm starting gong han later. So many people do homework already D:
HAHAHAHAHA! It's not nerdy to do homework Jojo! :D
It's just being umm I don't know, but at least do some.
I HAVEN'T START READING THE FOUR BOOKS YET. Well, I only have three though. D:
Oh, today's shayting's birthday. I wished her a zillion times already. (: I'm such a nice person.

Okay, bye! Pictures(maybe) and tag replies tomorrow! (:

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