August 12, 2009


Hi bestie, i'm here to blog secretly without you knowing!! (Despite having trizillions of homework piling beside me, mocking me.) Imma gonna do it lateeeer, bet i'll sleep damn late again lah, and sleep during lessons ) :

But SINCE you're my bestie, oh well. No need thank me d:
K, i wanna see you asap!!! And my hand has these rashes like stuff, but it's not rashes. Maybe like a hundred plus of my blood vessels broke, you should know right? Bio student? 'Cause my PE now doing Volleyball. Weee, quite fun, but i got the new ball, so more painnnnn! D :

Byee, off to do the stupid History SBQ, Hitler is MEAN. I'd sue him if he was still alive.


P.S. Don't be angry O: you can log into my account and blog if you want LOL!

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