July 09, 2009

haha no! D:

Uhuhuh, I always forget what I want to type. OH YAH! PICTURES!
Okay uh nevermind. Umumumumumumum, school is okay. Haha I went to popular and watsons and ntuc to stock up my stuff (?) today. VERY HEAVY!!!! D:

Lalala, I still need to do 2 and a half lijiewenda. LALALA, bored! My phone is lagging like no one's business, thanks to Louis Saw, who spammed me more that 200messages, cause I didn't reply, CAUSE MY PHONE WAS LAGGING CAUSE OF HIS SPAMS! Tsk! -.-

Save the Earth you bitchasses!

I'm trying to save Earth tooooooooooooo! Hahaha :D
1. I sleep with the aircon OFFED.
2. I bathe with the heater OFFED.
3. I study with the computer OFFED.
4. I use SAVE THE PLANEY foolscap paper.

HAHAHAHAHAH! So all of you should learn from me! Hahahahahha!
Huizhen is madly in love with me. Ask anyone.

BYE! I'll reply tags um, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! Tomorrow, if I have more tags luh! :D

I had this mad urge to leave you a comment. I hope you'll be better soon.
Now I hope that you've understand. I wasn't that bitch you thought I was.
Another bitch made you think that I'm a bitch. Ironical? Yeah.
So one day, when I've mustered up all my courage and leave you a comment, I hope you won't shoo me away? I hope you know who I'm talking about. Lol. :) (norel)
Oh but, if you still don't want to "accept me", please let me know. Please? :(

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