June 20, 2009

Lol, I keh kiang, go delete the whole blogskin. Lalala, I was trying to put links and the tagboard. But I think cannnot or something. Load very slow so lala forget it. Cousins are all at my place having partyyyyyyyyy.

LS went to hospital today cos he hit his head on the fire hydrant. Poor boy. Hope he's okay now. Yeaps.
Haha, belly sounded rweally angry at someone who went to her house, cheer up okay! :D Love ya!

It's really fast. Going to 3 months already. Time really heals most wounds. I'm really very much missing your presence darling.


PEARLYN;D said...



KAIYING said...
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KAIYING said...

Happy birthday wenmin!
Don't be sad kayyyyyyyyy, happy happy :D