June 03, 2009


Today was quite a boringggggggggggggggggggg day. D: other than - .
Lol, yeaps :D

I HOPE ISABEL CAN GO TO CHANNY'S HOUSE TOMORROW. So we can watch those DVDs we bought. We as in Isabel and I. Super guai Chantel said, "EH! I cannot watch lah! NC16. I'm only twelve :(" HAHAHAHA! NEHMIND LAH YOU. Like what would they show. -.-

Um um um. I forgot what I want to say. I don't like the holidays. Still have two projects leh. Siao one, 3 weeks holiday give so many things to do. Like we super students like that. Like that might as well no holiday.

OHOHOHOH! I woke up at 10.30am today. Shiok manxsz. It's like I've been waking up early since forever. I AUTOMATICALLY WOKE UP AT 7 TODAY LEH. How annoying.

I really reallllllllllllllly hope that I'll start abit on my homeworks, like reading that two books, tomorrow.

Weiann: HAHAHAH OMG. Weiann is super nagging like ohmytian. O.O

Mandy: Hello! :D

Joey: HAHA, where got! Isabel + Sam + You only what! :D

ISABEL: HOI! Use my blog's tagboard somemore hor you, damn pro lah please. HAHAHA SAY YAY SOMEMORE. Omg you're seriously the best. We'll go with you, don't worry. But make sure you bring enough money kay, we don't mind having dinner together with you too, right sam! :D

Sam: EH! WHERE GOT UGLY LAH PLEASE. Her plaster is I do one lor :D
Hahahahaha! CPG loves Sam foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr! HAHAH <3
p.s. I think we damn xiao hai zi o.o

I love my lovelies forever :D
<3, we all love Claudia forever :)
<3, bestie!!!!!!!!!!
<3, stop bullying Samantha you bastard.
<3, channy dearest :D

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