June 17, 2009

Hao Peng You Ju Hui 2

And I have hell load of pictures to upload.

Okay, today. The original plan was to have brunch at Lagoon. So bel came to my house at NINE IN THE MORNING, then we cabbed there. We waited. And waited. Lihao and Kweeyong called and asked us to go Macs there. STUPID BOYYYYYYIYIYIOIOIYOIYOIYS! -.-

Lalala bel and I ate first. Then cabbed down. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Rented bike, ride ride ride. Uh, met Hongzhou on the way. That poor boy, kena shua3ed by lh and ky. Walk from areaC to areaE, then walk back. Hahahahah! Then after that met Junweng and Fabian. :D

Bel and I rode the bikes around. The bike was damn hard to ride, not I slow/lousy okay, I swear.
Overall it was fun. And I'm burnt. HAHAHHAA -.-

Pictures time! (I spoiled the only group photo :( )
P.S. It's all like tou pai and all that. Bear with it, tyvm :D

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