June 06, 2009

chalet day 1

I'm just back from chalet. :D didn't + didn't want to stay over cos there're too many people staying over night with only 2 beds and a toilet.
It'll be really weird to squeeze with them, when majority of them are people I don't know. I.e. cousins' friends blablabla. :)

So I'm going back there after piano. Omg, I feel ultra bad that I always never accompany Chantel lor. Next week okay! I promise. I already set that day as Chantel's Saturday. :D

Oh and,
twin, twinnie, twinneh, duanehs!
HAHAHA REMEMBER!?!?!? Okay, it's quite huiwenish. HAHA :D
Love you twin!

It's 1.28am. I need sleep.

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