June 27, 2009

AHAHAHHAHAHA, today was quite funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. :D
Help people put make up and all that. Change change change, laugh laugh laugh.

EH I TELL YOU, I'M FKIING BRAVE OKAY. There's this hot/chio (to vanessa) and this a femanine guy hor, attracted Vanessa's and my attention for the whole of today, plus most of yesterday. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. DAMN FUNNY I TELL YOU.
At first I sugar rushed (I think, cause I ate 4 strips of sour power<3) and started taking picutures of his femanine acts. HE'S DAMN PRO I TELL YOU, in styling hair.
YOU CANNNOT IMAGINE LAH PLEASE. Then hor, we keep laughing and staring at him. Then he look at us hor, I WANTED TO WAVE AT HIM. But after that I keep laughing. -.-

LALALA, before we left, I VERY VERY BRAVELY WENT UP TO HIM (there were MANYMANYMANY people around), and asked if he could take a picture with us. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA PRO OR WHAT MANSXZX.

Hmm, oh and Vanessa passed me birthday present today.
My birthday is 24th, not 27th, leehao & glen. :)
Back to present, it's a pair of HOTHOTHOTHOT red pumps plus this banana look alike white board, for children's drawing and writing. -.-
But the pumps is rweall rweall very pwettiesxzxzxzxzxzcxzczxcz! :D
THANKS VANESSA! <3<3<3<3<3<3

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