December 25, 2008

LOLOLOLOL (so Max la!)! I happened to see this 101 questions quiz, and decided to do it since i'm so bored :D

1. How old will you turn in 2009?

2. Would you rather love one person or have many short relationships?
Love one person

3. Would you date someone 8 years older than you?
HAHAHAHAH! Don't think so!

4. When was the last time you laughed?

5. What were you doing at 4am this morning?
Sleep la duh.

6. What's your relationship with the person you last texted?
Isabel <3 we were discussing what time to meet :D

7. What did you do today?
What a stupid question -.-

8. Who do you really want to see right now?
Ah, shayting I guess? Haven't seen her for donkey years!

9. Will your next kiss be a mistake?
-.- who can predict the future la dey!

10. Who's your last missed call?
-checks phone- TANYING! She wanted me to check where the national museum is at!

11. What's something you really want right now?
Umm, money? That's why I'm ironing for mummy (:

12. What was the first thought when you woke up this morning?
Who off my aircon -.-

13. Would you go back in time if you had the chance?
Not really (:

14. What is something you need to go shopping for?

15. Do you want kids?
-.- i'm only fourteen.

16. Are you in love with anyone?

17. How's your heart lately?
Fine (:

18. When was the last time you slept on the floor?
Umm quite long ago?

19. Is your phone close to you?

20. What is bothering you right now?
Umm, the fan is irritating?

21. What does your last received text message says?
Kweeyong, asking if i can make it for p6 class moving outing.

22. Where are you right now?
In my room, in front of my computer, sitting on my red square chair <3

23. Are you listening to music right now?
My loud typing.

24. Do you like country music?
Not really, but I do like the number 24

25. Do you wet the toothbrush before the toothpaste?
I think so.

26. How is your hair styled right now?
I don't style my hair >.>

27. Do you like your first name?
I want to be called baba ani.

28. Last thing you drank?
Ice water.

29. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car?
Hell no. I sing so melodiously. Ask isabel, chantel and claudia O.O

30. What did you do 15min ago?
Blog surfing when I came upon this quiz that can occupy me for like fourty-five minutes (:

31. Do you think you're a good person?
LIKE DUH! Ask around! :D

32. The first contact in your phone?
Aaron. A and a.

33. The sweetest person in your life?
Mummy? She just gave me 25bucks.

34. Closet male to you now?
I don't know. DDDDDDDDD:

35. The person you're chatting with now?

36. The languages you're able to speak?
English and Chinese. (:

37. The last person whom you screwed?
What a question >.>

38. One word about your life now?

39. Where do you wish to work?

40. What are you specially good at?
HAH! I have no ideaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

41. Would you date someone younger than you?
Nah! Don't think so. Not into jie di lian -.-

42. Who are you to yourself?
Me is me.

43. Do you forgive people easliy?
Hahaha! Duh, i'm so nice one

44. Which girl is precious to you now?
All my girlfriends <3

45. Your dressing style?

46. How different are you from other girls?

47. The bad point of yourself?
I can't grow any taller -.-

48. Last contact in your phone?
Huang LaoShi :D

49. Your favourite song?
Nice songs.

50. The two hated contacts in your phone?
I love all muaiix fwennies! :D

51. Learn one language in 10 days?
not possible. see malay lesson.

52. One gorgeous girl you came across?
Many, my chiochio girlfriends :D

53. Who's your biggest enemy?
Time -.-

54. Which gang do you support?

55. What do you think about gangsters?
Never thought about it.

56. Proper age to join gang?
Uh, not sure!

57. Do you have a blogspot?
Blog? Yea.

58. Do you like people who smoke?
Lols, I dun dislike someone just cos he/she smokes :D

59. What do you think about modelling?

60. Given a chance, would you like to be a model?

61. Whose approval do you usually seek first?
Momma and Papa.

62. What do you wish to be in the future?
Some rich, hot, super pretty, smart woman.

63. What have you been doing recently?
Sleeping till reaaaaaaaal late.

64. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
When there's not battery?

65. What happened at 10.00am today?
apprantly, someone came into my room and switched off my aircon -.-

66. When did you last cry?
Last night while I was dreaming? NAH. -.-

67. Believe in fate / destiny?

68. What do you want in your life right now?
Uh, money good figure and smartbrain.

69. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
LOL, no hood no hood. No umbrella no umbrella.

70. What is your favourite thing to have on your bed?
I have everything I want on my bed already :D

71. What bottom are you wearing now?
Pyjamas shorts.

72. What's the nicest text in your inbox say?
"I'll buy lunch back for you" from mummy.

73. Do you tend to mak a relationship complicated?
Who will purposely go make it complicated?

74. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
Um nope! :D

75. What was the last movie you caught?
Journey to the centre of the earth 3D with kor, pa and ma.

76. What are you proud of?
Myself! -.-

77. What was the oldest message in your inbox say?
Tanying saying that we'll go ss project! :D

78. What's was the last song you sang aloud?
Old Macdonald had a farm!

79. Do you have any nicknames?
I'm not sureeeeeeeeeeeeee!

80. What time did you go to bed last night?

81. Are you currently happy?
Uh yah?!

82. Who gives you best advice?
Twinkle Friend! -.- idk

83. Do you eat whipped cream out of a can?
Fattening ))))))))))))))):

84. Who did you talk on the phone last night?
SHAYTINGLIEW. Complaining about every single thing we see.

85. Is anything bugging you right now?
Not really.

86. What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
That question. *points above.

87. Do you wear toe socks?

88. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
Nah, not glass.

89. What annoys you most in persn?
I DON'T KNOW!?!?!?! D:

90. Have you ever taken cocaine?
What's that o.o

91. What's the colour of your room?
Light yellow.

92. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
And get myself imprisoned for life? hell no -.-

93. Do you believe in the saying: talk is cheap?

94. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
Me la -.-

95. Who was the last person to hug you?

96. Did you see the last person that you kissed?

97. Do you have a life?

98. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn't die?
HUH? Ironical.

99. What's the reason behind your profile song?
Cos I like it la.

100. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
I can't remember my dreams.

101. Last time you smiled?
-smiles- JUST.

Idk how long I took.


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