April 08, 2009

Hello :D I'll reply tags okay!

Valerie: LOL OKAY! I'll tag you sooon. love you too :D

Sam: Lurbs you alot alot too! Yeah, we should meet soon :X

Isabel: AHHHHHH! (scared by your boo) you think you funny uh bestie.

Christine: Miss you so much too abaloney D:

Chelsea: HAHA, okay thanks dear! <3

Vanessa: Duh, I'm like nice.?

Valerie: HAHA yeah i'm fine. We see each other like everyday luh. Or every other day at least.

Shayting: Yoooooooooooooozzz. >:D

UGH. You know you know. My smses exceed like shit. Pissing!!!
Tmr's chinese test, I'm so dead.
waking up at 3.30am to study. Yay me.
Okay gotta go sleep. bye!

I'm so going to change my blogskin soon. D:

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