November 05, 2008

Hellooooooooooooooooooos :D :D
Today is first day of work. Tiring -.- First, I had to read two of this "manuals". Super thick okay. (Maybe not to vanessa, but it is to me okay!) Learn this learn that. Know this know that already, Natalie jiejie test me. Test test test, I forgot everything. Re-read -.- Then test again. THIS TIME I KNOW ALREADY OKAY! Then she bring me around the shop, tell me about the different brands. LALA
Then we started cleaning all the glasses there. Clean clean clean, 2.30pm already. Fast hor. Two more hours jiu panggang! Then I was made to read another two manuals. Then mummy came, awhile after that, at like 4.30pm then we go already. Whoo
Hard earned money -.-

Tomorrow same thing. But friday I will go T3 with eryi then go cca :D SEE I SO HARDWORKING. I stand until jiao suan manzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxz! HEEEEEEEEE. Hais so xin ku nehhs! LAA.
I'm super high :D :D

Tag replies

Eugenia: LOL. I will have my own style okay! :D :D
I more experienced in life lorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I eat salt more than you eat rice!
Is you ask me write say you ask me do one mah! :X LOLS

Tanying: WHOO. We both have such good taste! Lol, cut liao I scared not nice D:



Claudia: Lol?

Kaiying: PUIDEEEEEEE! Zzz, I also never. Dun need show off in front of me hor! :D :D

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